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Writer's pictureGolden Horizons

Reduce Stress with Self-Care!

Updated: Nov 8, 2023

Working self-care into your daily or weekly routine can help lower stress and help you to cope with stressors. Regular self-care is a critical part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Before choosing what self-care activities to do on any given day, try to listen to your inner self to decide what is best for you at the current moment. Self-care can look different for everyone and can even look different to you on any given day based on your mood and mental/emotional state. If you're not sure what type of self-care is best for you, take this quiz to find out!


Here are 25 ways to practice self-care and to help lower your stress levels:

  1. Take 3 deep breaths. Combat stressful shallow breathing by stopping to take a breather.

  2. Full body stretch. This is a great way to slow down and become more in tune with your body.

  3. Declutter. You don't have to organize an entire office for this method to work. Start small and declutter your desk space to reduce stress levels.

  4. Open the blinds. Did you know even five minutes of sunlight first thing in the morning boosts your Vitamin D levels and balances your cortisol (stress) levels?

  5. Put on a face mask. And not just for women. Great for your skin, and relaxing for the mind.

  6. Get a massage. Relieve pain and stiffness, increase circulation, and reduce anxiety.

  7. Keep a journal. Stream-of-consciousness writing will clear your head of mental clutter and gain clarity.

  8. Take a nap. A 15-minute power nap can reduce a ton of stress.

  9. Read a positive book and relax the mind. Even just two pages a day can do you some good.

  10. Go outside. A walk around the block or nature is great for mental health.

  11. Keep phones out of your bedroom. Encourage better sleep in a space that is for your relaxation.

  12. Eat a healthy snack. Sometimes, all you need is a better food choice and little more nourishment.

  13. Start a side hustle. According to Dr. Kien Vuu, a clinical professor of medicine at UCLA, David Geffen School of Medicine, engaging in a hobby reduces stress and activates genes that increase immunity and decrease inflammation.

  14. Laugh. Laughing is an underrated stress reliever. Watch your favorite comedian or find a funny YouTube video.

  15. Aromatherapy. Diffuse essential oils to quickly boost your mood or to help calm you down.

  16. Take a bath. Light a candle and soak in the tub.

  17. Have tea or coffee. What is most important about this method is you should do this without being on a screen. Have a cup while sitting in peace, watching the sunset for example.

  18. Put positive notes around your house. Remind yourself you are powerful!

  19. Listen to a great playlist. Play one of your favorite songs, or try listening to meditative music.

  20. Recite positive affirmations. Here's an example, "I am grateful to be alive, and I am capable of achieving more than I believe."

  21. Color. Coloring books for adults are very popular, and they are known to be very therapeutic.

  22. Practice saying no. Don't say yes to things you don't want to do. Staying at home instead of going to an event you don't care for is a great decision.

  23. Detox your social media. Are the accounts you are following on social media positive, or are they toxic for your mental health? Unfollow and unsubscribe from what does not benefit you.

  24. Buy yourself flowers. You don't need a special occasion to improve your mood with this method.

  25. Do a guided meditation. Shift your energy in just 5-10 minutes.

These are only a few of the endless possibilities to choose from when you need to reconnect with yourself and re-center after or during a stressful time. You should always listen to your mind and your body on what you need most in the moment. There is no right or wrong way to practice self-care, so choose whatever feels right! The most important thing is that you make your unique self-care practices beneficial to your physical health and mental health. Practicing self-care can bring calmness and joy to your life and help you to cope with daily stress.

(self-care idea list via INC.

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